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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

復活節快樂 Happy Easter Day - Balloon Give Out Race
復活節快樂 Happy Easter Day - Balloon Give Out Race 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選 Pop Singing Class - Professional Vocal...

Black Saturday 黑色星期六 A sacred day in the Philippines菲律賓的一個神聖的日子 Amazing Grace | SAYMusic Zuzanna Lyric Cover |
Black Saturday 黑色星期六 A sacred day in the Philippines of reflection and renewal, honoring a significant event and a time for spiritual...

International Mermaid Day 國際美人魚日
International Mermaid Day 國際美人魚日 There's a magical world of half-human, half-fish creatures, singing and splashing in the depths. Dive in...

你比較喜歡哪個版本的《屈到病》?張學友 VS 譚輝智 | 在評論中投票!|
你比較喜歡哪個版本的《屈到病》?張學友 VS 譚輝智 | 在評論中投票!| Which version of "屈到病 So Sick" do you prefer? Jacky Cheung VS Tan Hui Chi | Vote in the comments!...

Which Version Of "feeling Good" Do You Prefer? 古淖文 Vs Michael Buble | Vote In The Comments!你比較喜歡哪個版本的《feeling Good》?古淖文 VS Michael Buble |在評論中投票!
Which Version Of "feeling Good" Do You Prefer? 古淖文 Vs Michael Buble | Vote In The Comments! 你比較喜歡哪個版本的《feeling Good》?古淖文 VS Michael Buble...

Guess What Song Celine Sing on HONG KONG SEVENS 2024?猜猜芷昀七人欖球賽2024壓軸表演唱什麼歌?
Guess What Song Celine Sing on HONG KONG SEVENS 2024? 猜猜芷昀七人欖球賽2024壓軸表演唱什麼歌? Ticket Price: Kid: $950 & Adult: $1950 票價: 兒童:$950 成人:$1950...

學唱歌 - 但願人長久,與 Dr. Steve 一起快樂上課Learn to Sing "May we all be Blessed with Longevity" in a Happy Singing Lesson
學唱歌 - 但願人長久,與 Dr. Steve 一起快樂上課 Learn to Sing "May we all be Blessed with Longevity" in a Happy Singing Lesson

Lisa Loeb "Stay (I Missed You)" | 歌唱學校學生 Ysabel | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
Lisa Loeb "Stay (I Missed You)" | 歌唱學校學生 Ysabel | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach | 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選 Pop...

World Water Day How Far I'll Go | Celine Tam | Live Performance Cover | Asian Academy Creative Awards |我會走多遠 | 譚芷昀 | 現場表演封面 |亞洲學院創意獎 |
World Water Day 世界水日 Ensuring the purity of this essential life source, a foundation for health and vitality, is a solemn duty for...

可托海的牧羊人 | 香港唱歌學校 | 美女學生 | Zuzanna NG | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | 唱歌大挑戰 |
可托海的牧羊人 | 香港唱歌學校 | 美女學生 | Zuzanna NG | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | 唱歌大挑戰 | 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選 Pop Singing Class -...
Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing | Celine Tam Karaoke Cover |
Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing | Celine Tam Karaoke Cover | 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選 Pop Singing Class -...

2024's Hottest Cover: Celine Tam Rocks 'girl On Fire' With Lyrics!
2024's Hottest Cover: Celine Tam Rocks 'girl On Fire' With Lyrics! 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選 Pop Singing Class...

Companies That Care Day - March 18 如何建立自信,打造快樂團隊?冠軍公司團隊文化 從員工開始?How to Build Self Confidence and Build a Happy Team? Championship Culture Starts with Staff? | JCDecaux |
Companies That Care Day - March 18 It's heartening to see businesses prioritize their staff's welfare over profits, nurturing them into...

Kids Singing Choir 兒童合唱團Shopping Mall Performance 商場演出 28/4
Kids Singing Choir 兒童合唱團 Shopping Mall Performance 商場演出 28/4 Wanchai School 灣仔學校 Choir A Sat 10am to 11am - Fee: $2,240 23/3, 30/3, 6/4,...

Vocal Coach Reacts to G.E.M Amazing Grace | Want to Know the Secret Between G.E.M and Celine Tam? |聲樂老師對 G.E.M 的 Amazing Grace 奇異恩典做出反應: G.E.M 和 譚芷昀 (Celine Tam) 的秘密被揭曉
Vocal Coach Reacts to G.E.M Amazing Grace | Want to Know the Secret Between G.E.M and Celine Tam? | 聲樂老師對 G.E.M 的 Amazing Grace 奇異恩典做出反應:...
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