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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

August 14- Love Your Bookshop Day愛你的書店日
你有特別喜歡的書店嗎? 那你有特別喜歡的唱歌學校嗎? 會是sing and you嗎? Do you have a favorite bookstore? Then do you have a favorite singing school? Will it be sing...

August 12- Vinyl Record Day黑膠唱片日
你有收藏黑膠唱片的興趣嗎? 黑膠唱片從盛行的30年代至今日仍然深受歡迎, 歷史和文化價值非常大呢! Are you interested in collecting vinyl records? Vinyl records are still popular from...

August 11- Son and Daughter Day子女日
今天是子女日, 各位父母帶子女去不同地方玩吧! Celine和Dion也很喜歡跟父母到處遊玩呢! Today is Son and Daughter Day. Parents, take your children to different places to play!...

August 10- Vlogging Day
拍vlog可以把珍貴的時刻紀錄下來, 一起看看Celine Tam和家人旅遊的片段吧! Vlogging can record precious moments, let's watch the clips of Celine Tam and her family...

August 9- Hold Hands Day牽手日
今天是牽手日! 牽起家人朋友的手, 在他們遇到困難的時候給他們一些鼓勵吧! Today is Hold Hands Day! Hold hands with family and friends, and give them some encouragement when...

August 8-Happiness Happens Day幸福發生日
今天是幸福發生日! 唱一首歌送給親友, 並給他們一個擁抱吧! Today is Happiness Happens Day! Sing a song to friends and family and give them a hug! Parent Testimonials...

August 7- Sisters Day姊妹日
你有姐姐或妹妹嗎?八月七日是姊妹日,你打算和你的姊妹去哪裏玩? Do you have an older sister or younger sister? May 24th is Sister' s Day, where are you planning to go...

August 6- Cycle to Work Day 踏單車上班日
你懂得踏單車嗎? 踏單車和唱歌一樣都是需要練習的! Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Riding a bicycle requires practice just like singing! Shakira Try Everything...

August 5- Water Balloon Da水氣球日
夏天最適合玩水啦! 你準備好跟朋友一起去海灘互丟水氣球嗎? Summer is the best time to play in the water! Are you ready to go to the beach with your friends and throw...

August 4- Hooray for Kids Day兒童節萬歲
人們會在每年的八月四日慶祝這個節日,例如陪小朋友到處玩,去渡過快樂的一天! People will celebrate this festival on the 4th of August every year, such as playing around with...

August 3- Grab Some Nuts Day吃點堅果日
堅果營養價值高 但是吃太多會導致喉嚨腫脹和疼痛, 影響唱歌, 所以不能吃過量! Nuts have high nutritional value, but eating too much can cause throat swelling and pain, which...

August 2- Coloring Book Day填色書日
你喜歡填色嗎? 今天是填色書日! 一起看看Celine如何用木顏色畫畫吧! Do you like coloring? Today is Coloring Book Day! Let's see how Celine draws with wood color!...

August 1- Respect For Parents Day尊敬父母日
雖然今天才是一年一度的尊敬父母日, 但是我們每天都應該要尊敬父母啊! Although today is the annual Respect for Parents Day, we should respect our parents every day! Not...

July 30-International Day of Friendship國際友情日
今天是國際友情日, 約你的朋友一起上唱歌課、聽音樂會吧! Today is International Day of Friendship, invite your friends to singing lessons and concerts!...

July 29- Talk in an Elevator Day在升降機裏談話日
如果你曾經在Sing and You的灣仔學校上課,應該知道我們一踏出升降機就到學校了,是不是很方便呢! If you have ever attended classes at Sing and You's Wan Chai School, you should know...
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