用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Don't underestimate the power of singing! 不要小看唱歌的力量!
Tell me: who is your favorite character in demon slayer? 你最喜歡鬼滅之刃中的哪個角色?
over-cleaning have eroded the mona Lisa's brows...藝術修復及清潔已經侵蝕了蒙羅麗莎的眉毛......
Comment & Share: Which James bond movie do you like the best? 分享給我:你最喜歡哪部詹姆斯邦德電影?
BECAUSE IT IS believeD that iT's easy to have an argument! 赤口不能拜年因為當日容易與人發生口角爭執!
Happy Chinese New Year! 祝願大家身體健康新春大吉
Red pocket is a representation of luck! it's not only about money! 利是是金錢也是個來自長輩的祝福!
care too much, get hurt too easily. 有時太在意只會更容易受傷。tt
have you ever expressed your gratitude to your close one? 你曾有向親人表達過感激之情嗎?
2 歲? Wheels on the Bus 快樂歌唱課 ft. - AGT Celine 的父親,聲樂教練 Steve 學唱歌
everything you need is on the ground 你所渴望的可能早就在你身邊
Will you say yes to HANS if you were princess anna IN THIS SONG? 如果你是這首歌裡的安娜公主,你會答應漢斯的求婚嗎?
Stand up to challenge and never give up! 勇於挑戰,永不放棄!
why? because Singing elevates our energy and provides an emotional release! 因為唱歌可以提升我們的能量並釋放情緒!
Humans played music for more than 40,000 years! 人類演奏音樂已有 40,000 多年的歷史!