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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

World Radio Day 世界無線電日In the Past, Radios are a window to the world with music, news, talk shows and entertained在過去, 收音機是通往世界的窗口,有音樂、新聞和脫口秀節目並享受娛樂阳光彩虹小白马 (Sunshine, rainbow, white pony)
World Radio Day 世界無線電日 In the Past, Radios are a window to the world with music, news, talk shows and entertained 在過去,...

Sing and You Music Center祝學生,家長,尊敬的客戶祝大年初一,龙年吉祥、财源滚滚、万事如意、身心愉悦、學業突飛猛進、歌藝精湛❤️
Sing and You Music Center 祝學生,家長,尊敬的客戶 祝大年初一,龙年吉祥、财源滚滚、万事如意、身心愉悦、學業突飛猛進、歌藝精湛❤️

World Ballet Day 世界芭蕾舞日 Teaching Singing To Kids & Children (Celine Tam is One of a Good Models) Agree?教小朋友唱歌(Celine Tam 是一位好學習對像)同意?
World Ballet Day 世界芭蕾舞日 Graceful storytelling on tiptoes — expressing emotions and tales without uttering a single word, captivating in...

Frozen Yogurt DayGuess Dion Tam Likes to Eat Yogurt or Not?猜猜 Dion Tam 喜不喜歡吃 Yogurt?All is Found (Dion Tam Lyric Cover)
Frozen Yogurt Day Guess Dion Tam Likes to Eat Yogurt or Not? 猜猜 Dion Tam 喜不喜歡吃 Yogurt? All is Found (Dion Tam Lyric Cover)...

财神到 Duet | Steve Tam | Happy Chinese New Year | Money God Has Arrived |
财神到 Duet | Steve Tam | Happy Chinese New Year | Money God Has Arrived | 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 - 學唱歌首選 Pop Singing...

National Sickie Day 全國病假日a little unscheduled break can feel like a refreshing breather in the midst of daily hustle 在日常忙碌中進行一點計劃外的休息會讓人感覺神清氣爽 I'm Still Standing
National Sickie Day 全國病假日 Sometimes, life throws unexpected curveballs, and a little unscheduled break can feel like a refreshing...

World Play Your Ukulele Day 世界尤克里裡演奏日Ukulele's sweet sound and portability make it perfect for jamming anywhere, anytime尤克里裡琴甜美的聲音和便攜性使其非常適合隨時隨地即興演奏 | Celine Tam |
World Play Your Ukulele Day 世界尤克里裡演奏日 This happy-go-lucky instrument can turn any frown upside down. Its sweet sound and portability make...

National Hot Chocolate Day 全國熱巧克力日Every I Bring My Daughter to Starbucks, Guess What She likes to Buy for Drink? | Dion Tam | 每次帶女兒去星巴克,猜猜她喜歡買什麼飲料?| Dion Tam |
National Hot Chocolate Day 全國熱巧克力日 Every I Bring My Daughter to Starbucks, Guess What She likes to Buy for Drink? | Dion Tam |...

Nurturing Genius: A Guide to Raising Exceptional Children | Celine Tam | Child Prodigies | Genius |培養天才:培養傑出兒童指南| 谭芷昀 |神童 |天才|
Nurturing Genius: A Guide to Raising Exceptional Children | Celine Tam | Child Prodigies | Genius | 培養天才:培養傑出兒童指南| 谭芷昀 |神童 |天才|...

National Croissant Day 全國牛角包日So Funny, Dion, My Little Daughter asked me to Bring her to a Famous Croissant Shop this weekend? Anyone Wants Me Post Dion's Eating Croissant Photos?
National Croissant Day 全國牛角包日 So Funny, Dion, My Little Daughter asked me to Bring her to a Famous Croissant Shop this weekend? Anyone...

Speak Up Day sharing ideas is more valued | Think before you Act & Say |分享想法—正变得越来越有价值 | 三思而行 & 言 |
Speak Up Day 大声说出来日 In today’s modern world, the idea of speaking up, standing up for yourself or others, or simply sharing ideas—is...

Celebration of Life Day 慶祝生命日Nothing beats watching your child's face light up with joy 當您與孩子一起創造持久的回憶You Raise Me Up | 歌唱學校學生Finlay | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
Celebration of Life Day 慶祝生命日 Nothing beats watching your child's face light up with joy as you create lasting memories with them,...

Fresh Squeezed Juice Week Vocal Coach Sharing声乐老師分享每次给孩子和成人上唱歌课都如此開心快樂?
Fresh Squeezed Juice Week 鲜榨果汁周 Vibrant elixirs of pressed fruits or vegetables — a burst of natural vitality, and an embodiment of pure,...

Celine Tam's Powerful Rendition Of Fight Song Will Give You Goosebumps!譚芷昀震撼演繹鬥歌讓你起雞皮疙瘩
Celine Tam's Powerful Rendition Of Fight Song Will Give You Goosebumps! 譚芷昀震撼演繹鬥歌讓你起雞皮疙瘩 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 -...

Don't Cry for Me, Argentina | 歌唱學校學生 Amelia | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | 小朋友學唱歌 |
Don't Cry for Me, Argentina | 歌唱學校學生 Amelia | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | 小朋友學唱歌 | Youtube: Weibo:...
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