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Chest voice,head voice and falsetto

Chest voice,head voice and falsetto





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Chest voice,head voice and falsetto are three ways the vocal cords vibrate and function as we sing from lower to higher notes. When we sing from lower pitch to higher pitch, it is very easy to become abrupt and weird, and audiences are very likely to discover. Therefore,singers usually mix some heaver chest voice with head voice to make it sounds more natural.

Between chest voice and head voice, there is a middle voice. It includes five to six half steps.This is a transition from chest voice to head voice If we can handle it well, whole sentence will sound more smooth.

On the other hand, falsetto is a unique and beautiful voice because vocal cords create the sound vibrations in a completely different way. We use normal voice to sing as if we are talking. Our throats vibrate the most and most people know this kind of singing. But falsetto is different from what we are talking, chest or top of our head vibrates the most.

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