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How to be more confident in singing? #1

How to be more confident in singing? #1

如何提升自己對唱歌的自信心? #1

Always feeling too nervous to sing? No worries ! Many professional singers had suffer with nerves before they sing live on stage! Wanting to sing with confidence? Try the following tips!!

1. Sing in front of someone that you are comfortable with

It is very difficult to sing in front of the audience for the first time. Try to sing in front of someone that you are comfortable with instead, such as your family or friends to begin with, then add up the number of audience. It would be much easier for you to sing in front of the others by the time you gain more courage.

2. Practice singing in Karaoke !

Karaoke and jam nights with your friends would be a great chance to gain confidence! Nobody would care if you forget the lyrics or mess up the songs when you sing, so you can just relax and have fun while trying to get used to singing in front of the audience.

3. Ask a friend or group of friends to getup and sing with you !

Your friends can help you to relieve your worries and nervousness while singing and help you to gain more confidence in singing in front of the audience. Also, you can pick a song that you and your friends can have a laugh with to have fun and gain more courage !

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總是對唱歌沒有信心?別擔心 !很多的專業歌手在舞台上演唱之前都會有緊張的情況!想要自信地唱歌?以下的小提示可以幫到你!!

1. 在你熟悉的人面前唱歌


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2. 在卡拉OK練習演唱!


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3. 讓朋友或一群朋友和你一起唱歌!


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