10 tricks to relieve anxiety immediately 唱歌如何不怯場!#2 上台前一刻消除緊張的十個小技巧!
唱歌如何不怯場!#2 上台前一刻消除緊張的十個小技巧!
10 tricks to relieve anxiety immediately
“All the world's a stage.”
This is how Shakespeare saw the world. Life is abundant with stages for us to perform, big or small. You want to give your best singing performance on stage. But how to wipe away the stage anxiety, or a step further, transforming it into a desire to perform?
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10 tricks to relieve stress immediately
Stress-reducing Food
Orange juice. Drinking orange juice reduces blood pressure and relieve anxiety.
A banana. Eating banana could induce the release of Serotonin (the “happiness hormone”) and calm your mind.
Chewing Gums. Chewing gum reduces cortisol level and mitigate stress.
AVOID intake of caffaine. Caffaine might hype you up, but it also induce stress and anxiety.
Mentality Technique
Deep breathing. Take several deep breaths and try to imagine your body relaxing gradually to reach a status of mindfulness. This exercise ameliorate blood flow and calms your mind.
Draw three [人] on your hand and swallow them. This trick comes from Japan. It is a widely adopted mental suggestion technique to symbolically relieve the stress from a huge audience.
Watch cutes pictures or videos. Studies show that watching cute videos help our body releases oxytocin and induce a sense of happiness and calmness. It reduces one’s focus on competition and help adjust your mental status to give the best singing performance.
Massage and Warm-ups
Stretch your body. Before the show, your body need to enter a status of relaxation. If you are in the waiting room, try stretching your arms and spin your joints.
Do the “Economic class syndrome” foot stretching exercise. This series of stretch exercises improves blood flow in foot and relaxes the whole body.
Try the Chinese Point-pressing technique on your palm. Pressing the “Hegu Point” relieve shoulder pressure and eye fatigue. Pressing the “Laogong point” calm your mind and improve blood flow.
Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class
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