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4 tips - song selection for competition

4 tips - song selection for competition

比賽選歌的4個小技巧 #1

When you are choosing a song, have you ever get lost with it?

4 tips to make you stop feeling confused when you choose a song!

Step 1: Choose a song of the opposite sex to sing

Benefits: Reduce the chances of others comparing your singing skills with the original singer, giving the adjudicator a refreshing feeling.

Reminder: Turn the song into the key that suits you.

Step 2: To have re-arrangement and change into another style that belongs to you

Benefits: To let people feel like listening to a new song.

Reminder: It is more suitable for performers who will play and sing by themselves, arrange their own music, bring their own band, or participate in a large-scale competition. The live band teacher may cooperate with you to make music adaptations.

Step 2.5: Choose to sing the song of the opposite sex, re-arrange the song, and change into another style

Benefits: Add more sense of freshness and the adjudicator will be distracted about your singing skills by appreciating the freshness of your style.

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第一步: 選擇異性的歌曲來唱

好處: 減少別人把您的歌唱技巧拿來與原唱比較的機會,讓評審有耳目一新的感覺。

緊記: 要把歌曲調成適合自己的音調。

第二步: 重新編曲,換另一個屬於您的風格唱

好處: 讓人有一種在聽一首新歌的感覺。

緊記: 比較適合本身會自彈自唱、會自己編曲、自帶樂團的表演者, 又或是參加大型選秀比賽,現場樂隊老師才可能配合您做音樂改編。

第2.5步: 選擇唱異性的歌、同時重新編曲,換另一個風格

好處: 増加新鮮感,讓評審老師分散您於歌唱技巧的注意力。

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