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感謝粉絲招財樹 Thank you fans Lucky Tree - How To Improve Singing 50% in 30 Minutes | Celine Tam | Online Singing Lesson |如何在 30 分鐘內提高歌唱技巧 50% | 譚芷昀 | Celine Tam |

感謝粉絲招財樹 Thank you fans Lucky Tree
感謝粉絲招財樹 Thank you fans Lucky Tree

感謝粉絲招財樹 Thank you fans Lucky Tree 粉絲從英國回來上音樂唱歌堂,上第二堂更送上我最喜歡的植物「招財樹」,非常感謝她,特別要讚賞一下她的先生,每次來上堂也會在外面守候,絕對係24孝的好老公,祝福他們永遠快樂,身體健康,他們準備回英國,下次網課見啦!

Fans came back to HK from the UK to attend the music and singing lesson. During the second session, they even presented me with my favorite plant, the "lucky tree". I am very grateful to her, and I especially want to express my appreciation to her husband. Every time she comes to the lesson, he will be waiting outside the classroom for her, which is absolutely awesome. He is definitely good husband. I wish them happiness and good health forever. They are preparing to return to the UK. See her in the next online class! How To Improve Singing 50% in 30 Minutes | Celine Tam | Online Singing Lesson | 如何在 30 分鐘內提高歌唱技巧 50% | 譚芷昀 | Celine Tam |

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