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唱歌對孩子的益處 The Benefits of Singing to Children


大多數孩子都是在2歲至3歲的時候唱一些簡單的歌曲,從而被吸引到音樂之中。其實孩子在很早的時期, 就開始接觸唱歌,在嬰兒或幼兒時期不少的父母都會使用歌聲來娛樂或平息孩子的哭鬧。事實上,根據ParentMap網站的研究表明,音樂刺激孩子體內的內啡肽(endorphin),令身體產生感覺良好的天然激素。 你還可以使用歌唱來撫慰你的孩子,鼓勵他的演講和語言發展以及作為教學工具。

1. 來自唱歌的安全感

孩子們會在唱歌中找到舒適感,並且經常會對他們的動物和玩具唱歌,就像你們向他們唱歌一樣。讓唱歌成為他們日常生活的一部分,可以為你的孩子創造更多的安全感,因為他們會知道所預期的是甚麼。 你可以使用歌唱作為提示,以吸引她去收拾自已的玩具,或者通過自己的話語結合熟悉的曲調成為哄他們睡覺的搖籃曲。 如果你在給他們指示的時候唱歌,幼兒通常會有更多的注意力於你給他們的指示上面。單純的話語對於他們的小小耳朵來說可能是無聊了一點的。但增加一點節奏可以出現前所未有的差異。

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The Benefits of Singing to Children

Most children sing some simple songs at the age of 2 to 3, and are attracted to music. In fact, children began to contact singing in a very early period, in the baby or infant period, many parents will use the song to entertain or appease the toddlers’ crying. In fact, according to the ParentMap website, research shows that music stimulates the child's endorphin, so that the body will produce a natural hormones of good feeling. You can also use singing to soothe your child, encourage his language development and be the teaching tool.

1. Security from Singing

The children will find comfort in singing, and often sing to their animals and toys, just like you sing to them. Let singing be part of their daily life and create more sense of security for your children because they can know what is expected. You can use the singing as a reminder to attract them to clean up their own toys, or through your own words combine with familiar tunes to be the lullaby to coax them to sleep . If you are singing when they are instructed, the child will usually have more attention to the instructions that given to them. Simple words may be boring for their little ears. But adding a little rhythm can have an unprecedented difference.

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