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How to be more confident in singing #2

How to be more confident in singing #2

如何提升自己對唱歌的自信心 #2

4. Choose a song that you are familiar with

Don’t choose a song that you are not familiar with and is too difficult to sing, i.e. avoid tunes that you could not sing, until you have more confidence in your voice and is ready to perform in front of the audiences.

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5. Relax yourself on stage before you sing

As soon as you get on the stage, don’t start singing immediately but take a deep breath and relax your shoulders to clear your mind of everything except the song that you are going to sing.

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6. Take a deep breath

Other than making you more relax, taking a deep breath can also get yourself ready in singing. Look ahead and smile as you take the stage to make yourself look confident, even you are feeling terrified at the moment.

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7. Make yourself concentrate

If you are feeling very nervous, concentrate on a point such as point above the audiences’ head. This could make you look like you are singing while looking at the audiences but actually not.

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4. 選擇您熟悉的歌曲


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5. 在唱歌之前,在舞台上放鬆自己


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6. 深呼吸


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7. 讓自己集中注意力

如果你感到非常緊張,請專注於觀眾頭上方的一點。 這可能會讓你看起來像是一邊看著觀眾一邊唱歌,但其實並非如此。

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