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3 months to develop your unique singing path 三個月訓練發展獨特歌唱路,渡過充實暑假!

3 months to develop your unique singing path 三個月訓練發展獨特歌唱路,渡過充實暑假!

你是否正在孩子計劃暑期活動呢? Are you planning your summer activities for your kids?

你想要為你的孩子培養歌唱天賦嗎? Would you want a chance to cultivate singing talent to your kids?

現在我們有一個好主意! Now we have a great idea!

Sing and You的夏季課程將為你帶來特別優惠(六五折)! Sing and You would like to give you a special offer (35% off) for our summer courses!

夏日英語音樂兒童班選擇如下: International Music Summer Class:

1. 【I am Singer Class】組合HK$3510($292/小時)(原價5400) 【I am Singer Class】Package HK$3510 only ($292/hr) (Original price $5400)

  • 每星期1 - 2 堂,每堂1小時;

  • 小班教學(4至7人),針對學生需求重點指導;

  • 適合3歲至12歲小朋友參與

  • 每個學生都會唱他或她最喜歡的歌

  • 3 months, weekly 1 hour sessions

  • Small class arrangement with focus on individual need

  • Suitable for age 3 to 12

  • Every student sings his or her favorite song

2. 【SAYCHoir】組合: HK$2388($199/小時)(原價$ 3840) 【SAYChoir】Package: HK$2388 only ($199/hr) (Original price $3840)

  • 每星期1 - 2堂,每堂1小時;

  • 每班約8至15人,輕鬆環境認識新朋友;

  • 適合3至8歲小朋友參與;

  • 教授基本唱歌技巧、英文歌學習英語;

  • 主要教授迪士尼樂曲及故事;

  • 配合音樂的肢體律動,體驗合唱團演奏

  • Weekly 1 to 2 hour sessions.

  • Class size from 5 to 8, a causal environment for making new friends.

  • Suitable for age 3 to 8.

  • Basic singing skills and English diction coaching.

  • Focus on Disney stories and songs.

  • Choir training with rhymatic body movement.

暑期課程將是您孩子集中學習唱歌的最佳時機! Joining summer courses will be the best timing for your kids to learn singing with joy and companionship!

不要錯過這個機會! 請聯繫我們以了解更多詳情! Don’t miss this chance! Please contact us for more details!

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : 96981248

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6/F, Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
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