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Learn to Sing - 10 Tips for Getting More Effective Warm-Ups for Singing #3 學唱歌唱歌有效熱身10個技巧#3

10 Tips for Getting More Effective Warm-Ups for Singing #3


All vocal warm-ups do not fit every singer. In fact you can easily strain your voice by trying to sing too high or too loud. So how can you find a more effective way to warm up for singing? Here are some tips !

5. The neck is a critical area

The neck is a critical area for singers. It houses the spinal cord, nerves, blood vessels, and our vocal mechanism. Also, the neck supports our head, which weighs an average of 20 pounds.

6.Hang arms loosely

If you ever wonder what to do with your arms while singing, just simply allow them to hang loosely at your sides with your fingertips lightly touching your upper thighs. Remember that when it comes to your arms, less is more.

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並不是所有的聲樂熱身都適合每一位歌手。事實上,你可能會因嘗試唱得太高音或太大聲而輕易傷害到你的聲音。那你怎麼能找到一種更有效的方式來幫你的聲音熱身呢? 這裡有一些提示!

5. 頸部是一個關鍵區域

脖子是歌手的關鍵區域。 它容納脊髓,神經,血管和我們的聲音機制。 此外,頸部支撐我們的頭部,平均重量為20磅。

6. 放鬆手臂放在身體兩旁

如果你曾經想過在唱歌的時候怎麼處理你的手臂,只需讓它們鬆散地掛在你的兩側,用指尖輕輕觸摸你的大腿上部。 請記住,當涉及到你的手臂時,少即是多。

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