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5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #3

5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #3

5個令聲音強大但不會輕易疲勞過度的關鍵 #3 The keys to a powerful voice that won’t burn out are all about your foundational vocal technique. Without a strong professional technique, you’ll easily burn out at the most inopportune times. Follow the following 5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out! 3. Daily Habits & Practices

As a singer, you have to develop your own daily habits & practices and a daily vocal technique regimen. This is where radical results will be shown.


First, practice vocal technique for 30 to 60 minutes daily, even 20 minutes is better than none. Make this non-negotiable. Your voice will love you for it.

Then, sing songs daily for 30-60 minutes daily, even 20 minutes is better than none. Work on pitch, phrasing (rhythm), feeling and delivering more emotion.

Last, start incorporating the vocal techniques you are working on into your singing practice as well.

Hopefully this help you to commit to your vocal practice and blow people (and yourself) away with your voice!

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3. 每天的歌唱習慣及練習

作為一名歌手,你必需發展自己日常的歌唱習慣和練習以及日常的聲樂技巧方案。這是顯示激進結果的地方。 提示:





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