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爲什麽音樂對學前兒童那麽重要? Why Is Music Important to Preschool Children?


你孩子喜歡音樂嗎?最直接去讓他們愛上音樂的活動就是唱歌!只要找對了歌唱老師,學唱歌不是難事,你也可以成為好像小巨肺譚芷昀一樣成功的表演者!如果你對唱歌有疑問,不如約一堂唱歌班,讓星級導師Steve Tam及其他聲樂導師幫你解決唱歌上的問題吧!歡迎來電查詢: Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)

Music is important for children's development, and singing is extremely helpful for improving children's language literacy. By teaching children how to sing, a vocal coach and parents can expose kids to vocabulary and a variety of sound.

Do you children love singing? Every kid can excel in singing like Steve's student Celine Tam provided the right vocal coaching by an excellent vocal coach. Come to Steve and his vocal coach team for a trial session! Call Sing and You +852 21461188 or Whatsapp us 96981248.

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