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Professional Little Singer & Performance Plan by SAYMusic專業小歌手和唱歌表演計劃

Professional Little Singer & Performance Plan by SAYMusic專業小歌手和唱歌表演計劃

SAYMusic always wants to bring our students to a bigger and higher stage in the World. SAYMuisc Performance Plan provides opportunities to SAYMusic students to perform across the World. SAYMusic will help you and your kid create a better future. Wanna perform on a bigger stage?

Let’s Steve brings a bigger stage to you.

Join SAYMusic Performance Plan !!!!

  • Including : Image Planing, Music Video, Vocal Master class, Opportunities for Casting at Worldwide TV Shows Audition, Development & Program Planning, Shopping Mall and Christmas Event Performance Opportunities

* Different plans include different services For details WhatsApp us : +852-9698-1248

wechat: singandyoumusic

SAYMusic 一直致力帶我們的學生踏上更大更高的舞台. Steve喜歡給予不同機會給學生. SAYMusic唱歌表演計劃為孩子提供在世界各地表演的機會, SAYMusic更會為小朋友創造更好的將來. 想在更大的舞台上表演唱歌嗎?

參加SAYMusic唱歌表演計劃, 讓Steve為您帶來更大的舞台。

  • 包括:影像策劃,音樂錄影帶,聲樂大師班,參加試鏡電視節目機會,開發和計劃策劃,聖誕節活動和購物中心表演機會

*不同的計劃包括不同的服務 Book a CLASS:

WhatsApp us : +852-9698-1248

wechat: singandyoumusic Watch Celine and Steve (Celine's Father) Vlog, MVs and Vocal Coaching Videos

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WhatsApp us : +852-9698-1248


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