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爲什麽孩子學習唱歌進度好像較慢?--Why Kids May Have Slower Learning Progress Sometimes?

唱歌初學者在一開始的階段都在摸索自己的聲音及風格。學習聲樂并不像學習其他興趣一樣,聲樂是需要漫長的努力,有耐性才能有進步。衹有經過努力后,學生才能學習控制自己聲帶及肌肉的方法。因此,學習過程較慢并不等于孩子不適合唱歌,家長應該多諒解并支持孩子,讓孩子在聲樂路上走得更遠。Sing and You 唱歌學校 +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)

New learners of singing are trying to understand their own unique sound and figuring out their own style at early stages of learning. Mastering vocal techniques is not like learning piano, it requires huge patience and perseverance. Only through long training process can children learn to control their own vocal cords and muscles. Therefore, slower progress at the beginning is common and parents must also support their child on their music journey. Start your singing journey at Sing and You. Enquiry: 2146-1188

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