Steve Tam U.S. Online Vocal Student Won a First Runner-up in the Singing Contest 在線聲樂學生在歌唱比賽獲得了亞軍

Steve Tam U.S. online vocal student won the runner-up in the singing contest with the Disney song "Part of The World". The student’s mother said that she would like to thank Sing and You Music School Principal, Steve Tam for his heartfelt effective coaching and singing training.
Congratulations to student Chloe and wish her continue to work hard towards the second goal

Steve Tam 美國的在線聲樂學生通過迪士尼歌“Part of The World”獲得了歌唱比賽的亞軍。學生媽媽說,感謝校長Steve Tam的悉心指導和歌唱培訓。恭喜學生Chloe並祝願她繼續努力,邁向第二個目標

Watch Chloe's other music videos:

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