SAYMusic Joanna 美麗的神話 by 孙楠/韩红
SAYMusic Joanna 美麗的神話 by 孙楠/韩红 Youtube video: Hold your hands and let me and you never leave again 緊握雙手讓我和你 再也不離分 Sadness and joy, only love is the myth of forever 悲歡歲月唯有愛是 永遠的神話 Hope you all like it and give like and share to support this video. Your subscription to SingandYou youtube channel is appreciated. More music videos here: Music by Sing and You and RecordingStudio ExperienceEach of the students will be required to record a song in the studio so as to gain practical recording experience. Program Fee Book a Trial Class at 96981248 #SAYMusic #singandyou #saymusictiffanywong #兒童唱歌班 #學唱歌 #唱歌比賽 #vocalcoach