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唱歌學生字?Learning words through Singing?

唱歌學生字?Learning words through Singing?

剛學會說話的孩子通常把他們的需求和感受與情況聯繫起來,以便理解詞彙及其用法。就如他們口渴的時候會說「杯杯」。同時, 這也意味著他們餓了或者想玩。小孩可通過唱歌在歌曲中學會不同字彙,更有效地表態他們的意思,從而增加說話的機會。

Children who are just learning to speak usually relate their needs and feelings to the situation in order to understand vocabulary and its usage. For example, they would say “cup cup” when they are thirsty ,at the same time, it could mean they are hungry or want to play with the cup. They can learn different words in songs through singing and express their meanings more effectively, thus increasing their chances of speaking.

《喜歡你》covered by SAYMusic Fannie 母親節快樂 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning Singing 學習唱歌

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