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Should we sing when we are sick?

Should we sing when we are sick?


If we had a throat inflammation, we should definitely try our best to rest our throats and voices. But if it is nose allergy or cold, we can sing as usual.

If you are going to have a concert that night, you should even take your time to rest and drink warm water. We can also try some natural anti-inflammatories for example ginger and turmeric. Honey and citrus lemon also have it effects somehow. Honey can soothe our pain and throars. However, citrus may dry our vocal chords, therefore hot tea and honey is more recommended.

Many singers will get steroids when they are sick and have a huge concert that night because it can help reduce swelling in order to have a smooth performance. But on the next day, voice will lose until they recover by themselves so this method is also not recommended.

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