任何人都可以學識唱歌?Can anyone learn to sing?

我想是因爲大部份人都有一個”你可以或不可以”的觀念, 很多小朋友童年時已經存在這個觀念-如果在一件事上做得好,其他事就必然會做得差。
如果小朋友在童年時已經在某個領域內有出色的表現,那麼就會被人說那只是天份。例如小巨肺譚芷昀Celine Tam,在中國新聲代第二季技驚四座,就被人認定是天生就會唱歌,其實就如小巨肺聲樂老師及爸爸Steve所言,這個是大眾對譚芷昀不太公道的誤解,誰會知道Celine在唱歌事業的成功背後,是每天都花上半天練習!
但其實很多的成功是來自於人們眼中的”差”, 那些不甘被困在”可以或不可以”這個觀念的人, 就會去挑戰不可能的任務, 然後改變整個世界。我甚至可以說每個成功人士都會被嫌棄過做得差,但那也是他們成功的原因。
而如何進步就是另一個問題了。所以你最應該問自己的問題是:「我想進步嗎?」,然後要擔心的就只是用什麼方法去進步了。Sing and You正正能幫到你去進步、成功,歡迎來電查詢: Sing and You 唱歌學校 +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp).
Can anyone learn to sing? First of all, why would people ask this question?
Most people have a mindset that you either can or cannot do something. I bet 99% of Hong Kong children have had this mindset since a tender age. They would think that if they do well at one thing, they would probably do not so well at the others.
Let’s assume that child does a great job singing. Chances are that people would say the child is just gifted. This is exactly how people perceive Celine Tam, student of Steve Tam who rose to fame at Let’s Sing Kids China Season 2.
See? This is exactly why would people never step out. With this mindset we will never find the true reason behind that “gift”.
If you look around you, people without this mindset have already challenged themselves, pushed through their limits and even changed the world!
So should we still ask the question of whether anyone can sing? Does “anyone” matter? I say that only “you” are important. Focus on yourself and claim your success. Start receiving vocal training today and see how far you can go. If you want to learn to sing, Sing and you can help you. Do not hesitate! Call Sing and You +852 21461188 or whatsapp us 96981248.