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June 24- Take Your Dog to Work Day帶狗上班日

這個節日鼓勵公司讓員工帶寵物上班, 喚起大家對寵物的重視。更有研究指出與寵物一起工作可以提升工作效率呢! 一起看看Celine第一次接觸柯基犬的片段吧!

This festival encourages the company to let employees bring pets to work to arouse everyone's attention to pets. Some research points out that working with pets can improve work efficiency! Let's take a look at the clip of Celine's first contact with corgis!

Celine Tam 第一次接觸柯基犬! 留言話我知大家估下她驚狗仔嗎? Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:

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