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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

Singing is good for children’s brain development 唱歌有利兒童腦部發展
StartFragment Benefits of Singing for children - Singing is good for children’s brain development Children start to touch music and...

Tips on Learning through Singing 從唱歌中學習的小貼士
Singing is beneficial only if you learn it in a right way. Here are some tips for learning through singing. Pick a style or singer you...

Learn Language through Singing 從唱歌中學習語言
It is of paramount importance to have real-life and in-context material while studying. Learning a language is no difference. Spoken...

Beginner‘s Guide for Singing Recording 入門技巧:如何錄製唱歌好聲音
Vocals, that’s all we record, and all our audience listen. Therefore we should hold it in high regard and turn it into a masterpiece that...

10 Tips for Healthy Singing Voice Part 2 健康唱歌聲線的十個小貼士(下)
All singers desire a healthy singing voice. What should we do in order to maintain a nice vocal? There are 10 tips for all of you and...

10 Tips for Healthy Singing Voice Part 1 健康唱歌聲線的十個小貼士(上)
All singers desire a healthy singing voice. What should we do in order to maintain a nice vocal? There are 10 tips for all of you and...

11 Keys to Brilliant Singing Voice (2) 11個唱歌好聲音的關鍵(2)
What should we do if we love singing but got a bad voice? There are certainly things to improve your singing voice. Here are the tips: 7)...

11 Keys to Brilliant Singing Voice (1) 11個唱歌好聲音的關鍵(1)
What should we do if we love singing but got a bad voice? There are certainly things to improve your singing voice. Here are the tips:...

Singing Triggers IQ 唱歌促進IQ發展
Singing releases endorphins, which helps to boost both right and left brain activity. We have to use our left brain when understanding...

Singing Boost Language Development 唱歌促進語言發展
Singing is more than just music. It also fosters our language development. Before we sing, we have to fully understand the lyrics and...

Tips on Singing by Microphones: Volume 唱歌的用咪方法-音量
Despite understanding and distance, volume is also an important part in singing with mic. If the mic is placed near to you, you can use...

Tips on Singing by Microphones: Distance 唱歌的用咪方法-距離
Singing with mic but without proper mic positioning will adversely affect singing quality. If you are holding the mic too close, your...

我又不是專業歌手,為什麼要學唱歌? ’I am not going to be a professional singer. Why do I need to learn singing?’
唱卡拉ok是現時很普遍的消閒活動,所以唱歌唱得好永遠有好處。我相信你不會想在k房內整天坐著聽別人唱歌吧? 如果你的工作是需要你經常說話,那想必你一定經歷過喉嚨痛的狀況。為了防止這種情況出現,您需要學習如何呼吸和發聲,這可有助於你唱歌唱得更好,而且幫助你保護你的聲音。...

問:學唱歌真的可以改變自己原本的歌聲?歌聲不是天生定下來的嗎?Q: Can someone really learn to sing well? Aren't people born with
答:像芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)和黎安·萊姆絲(Leann Rimes)這些厲害的歌手年紀輕輕已經有副好歌喉而且一出生已具備這種能力,但是也有很多歌手訓練聲音之後唱歌才變得好聽。 幾位名歌手包括 凡妮莎·威廉姆斯(Vanessa...

問:小朋友應該幾歲開始學唱歌? Q: At what age should children start singing lessons?
答:除非你的孩子是非常有天賦和成熟,九歲前我不會對她進行聲樂訓練,因為我發現大多數年紀較小的小朋友不會耐心地去學習很詳細聲樂技巧內容。讓他們參加其他音樂 、唱歌活動例如合唱團,鋼琴或小提琴班等等會比較好。 合唱團中老師會教學生一些呼吸或聲樂技巧。...
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